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What are the causes of and risk factors for metast...?

Risk factors for prostate small cell carcinoma are social and environmental factors, particularly a high fat, high processed carbohydrate diet and lifestyle. Men who are overweight or obese are at greater risk of ultimately developing an aggressive form of prostate small cell carcinoma.

Is there a diet to follow during the treatment for...?

Patients of lung carcinoma often face a loss of appetite. Sometimes, it may get severe, especially while following the treatment plans for metastatic NSCLC. A nourishing diet and food plan can help with improving a patient's overall health. There is no specific diet plan for people with this kind of lung carcinoma. Patients must make sure that they

Does the treatment for metastatic NSLC cure this c...?

It is essential to have a realistic expectation of the treatment and its outcome. Institutes have come a long way with the disease treatments and their efficiency. People diagnosed with metastatic NSCLC often tend to go on and live healthy lives for at least five years post-diagnosis. While there is no cure for the disease, modern remedies has help