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What is cloud backup solutions?

Cloud backup solutions enable enterprises or individuals to store their data and computer files on the Internet using a storage service provider, rather than storing the data locally on a physical disk, such as a hard drive or tape backup. Cloud backup providers enable customers to remotely access the provider's services using a secure client log i

How to choose the appropriate cloud backup service...?

When choosing an online backup service, a business has to consider its recovery needs and choose an appropriate service level. Many providers offer data replication services that will safeguard your business data in an off-site location, but additional services many be required to mirror your entire infrastructure, including the systems that data r

What is private cloud backup?

A form of cloud storage where the enterprise data and cloud storage resources both reside within the enterprise's data center and behind the firewall.  Also known as internal storage clouds, private cloud storage services are managed inside the data center and as a result almost always carry higher capital and maintenance costs than public cloud