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Are clogged ears a sign of allergies?

When you begin experiencing symptoms in your ears, including that annoying clogged feeling that can make it difficult to hear, it's often because your Eustachian tube is blocked with mucus. These middle-ear disturbances can cause symptoms of dizziness in those suffering from allergies, colds, and sinus infections.

What is the cause of blocked ears?

The most common cause is a cold, upper respiratory infection. Sinus infections and allergies may also cause swelling of the tissue lining the Eustachian tube. Simply put, a stuffy nose leads to stuffy ears.

How do you cure a blocked ear?

Get moisture. Use a nasal saline spray several times a day, or hold a warm, moist washcloth to your face. Try a decongestant. Avoid temperature extremes. Keep your head up. Blow your nose gently. Avoid fast movements. Drink plenty of fluids.