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What causes hammer toes?

Although a hammer toe may be present at birth, it usually develops over time due to arthritis or wearing ill-fitting shoes, such as tight, pointed heels. In most cases, a hammer toe condition is treatable.

What helps hammertoes?

You can buy non-medicated hammer toe pads. They fit around the pointy top of the toe joint and help relieve painful pressure. Gently massaging the toe may help relieve pain. Put ice packs wrapped in cloth on the hammer toe to reduce painful swelling.

Can I fix a hammer toe?

Treatment to reduce the pain of a hammertoe can begin at home, but to really fix the problem, you may need to see a podiatrist. A hammertoe is a misshapen second, third, or fourth toe. Muscles normally work in twos to bend and straighten toes. If the toe stays bent too long, a hammertoe develops.