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Which are the common treatment options available f...?

For the treatment of dementia, your specialist may give you treatments such as cognition-enhancing remedies. You may also be given oral medical remedies to help deal with brain functions such as learning and memory. Treatment may also involve occupational therapy and making certain changes in your lifestyle such as enhancing and improving commun

Are the symptoms of dementia severe in nature?

Yes, the symptoms of dementia can be severe in nature. As dementia progresses along the different stages of dementia, it tends to increase in terms of its severity. The fifth dementia stage is characterized as moderately severe dementia. By the seventh stage, it progresses to very severe cognitive decline, also known as late dementia. The symptoms

Do the treatment options vary depending on the dif...?

Depending upon the dementia stage, your treatment and care requirements will be determined. As the dementia stages progress, there will be a need for constant care along with treatment. Various treatments such as psychological therapies and remedies are recommended for its behavioral and cognitive symptoms. Depending on its various stages, the inte