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How to Grow a Flower Garden?

No matter what your level of experience, you can have blooming beauty in your life. You need to have a clear idea about how your garden will look. Then pick a place, clear the ground, improve the soil and pick the right plant. Water them regularly, mulch and keep them fertilized.

Can I move my houseplants outside?

Yes for the most part you are able to. Keep in mind that the plant has been living in a warm environment so you don't want to put it right into the sun. Most can be taken into a shady part of the garden, and some gradually moved to the sun, depending on the plant. Ask your local garden center if you are unsure.  

I bought this amazing and long-lasting perennial, ...?

5 easy steps, followed by a cool beverage should do the trick. With a little help, these amazing and dynamic plants will grow year after year. Keep in mind that the planting process can be stressful for your plant, so try to pick a cloudy spring day early in ?the morning or late in the afternoon.1. After you have chosen the perfect spot for your ne