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What are the dangers on Porch Swings?

Swings cause some injuries. The most common injury is due to a fall, either by unintentionally letting go of the ropes or chains or by deliberately jumping out of the swing. Less commonly, the person using the swing will bump into or kick another person who is walking or playing too near the swing or, especially with improperly located home equipme

What are materials are used in a porch swing?

Whether a hanging swing, a freestanding frame, or even a glider, porch swings come in many materials. Traditional materials for porch swings include wood, metal, or wicker; however, these days people can choose from vinyl, recycled plastic, and even fabric.

How big a porch swing can be?

For some people, the bigger is always better. If you are one of those, you will want your porch or garden swing to be truly big. Six foot swings can fit 3 to 4 people comfortably, but first check if your porch space is big enough to fit your swing. Most large swings are better suited for the yard or garden, tucked in some secluded spot, or placed o