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How long does it take for a burn blister to go awa...?

Usually, partial-thickness burns heal in 10 days to 2 weeks. Large burns may take 3 to 4 weeks to heal. There may be little or no scarring if the burn was not too extensive and if infection is prevented. Do remember that blistering sunburns can cause skin disease, melanoma later in life.

How do you get the sting out of a burn?

Cool the skin with running cool or tepid water for at least 10 minutes, ideally within 20 minutes of the injury happening. This will prevent the burn getting worse. Do not use ice, iced water, creams, or greasy substances (such as butter) to soothe the burn.

What do you do when you burn your fingers?

Quickly plunge that finger into cool water for about five minutes for a first degree burn, 10 minutes for a second-degree burn. Do not use ice; it could damage tissue. If you happen to have burned a wrist or arm with clothing that sticks to the burn, immerse the entire area into cool water.