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What type of exercise is good for osteoporosis?

Running, jogging and jumping may put stress on your spine. These high-impact activities may lead to fractures in weakened bones. If you already have bone loss, choose gentler weight-bearing exercise like walking, dancing, low-impact aerobics, and gardening.

What causes osteoporosis?

An imbalance between bone formation and bone resorption leads to osteoporosis. The imbalance is caused due to calcium and phosphate deficiency which are important minerals for bone health.

Can sleep apnea lead to insomnia?

Sleep Apnea Is the Real Cause of Chronic Insomnia. Patients with insomnia lasting for more than three months often are often treated with sleep medications, though in most cases these medications do not provide good sleep, and do not prevent insomnia. And all these medications have side effects, some of them serious.