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What is disc golf?

Disc golf is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. It is played with similar rules to traditional golf, except players throw a flying disc from a designated tee to an elevated metal basket to complete each hole in the least number of throws.

How many golf courses are there in the world?

Recent research confirms that there are approximately 32,000 golf courses worldwide. Presently, some 50 million people play golf throughout the world.

What should one consider when beginning to golf an...?

Go to the range and play around before going out to the course. It's okay to build a swing first; golf isn't like skiing, where they have "bunny slopes" to help you get the feel for skiing. Hit the range, hit some shots, but don't do it mindlessly; pretend you're on a tee box, on the fairway, or chipping to the green. Develop and use a preshot rout