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Whats the recommended method for washing hands?

The federal food codes recommend employees wash their hands in at least 110° F water after using the restroom. Lather soap between hands for at least 20 seconds. Concentrate on rubbing around and underneath fingernails and the cuticle area, which is where germs tend to reside.

Where should you place your hand wash signs?

Basic requirements for any business is to have a sign that tells your employees to wash their hands and then place a sign in every restroom and at every handwashing sink in your establishment. Preferably right above the sink, toilet or near the washroom signs.

What are the key times to wash your hands?

Key Times to Wash Hands:Before, during, and after preparing food.Before and after eating food.Before and after caring for someone at home who is sick with vomiting or diarrhea.Before and after treating a cut or wound.After using the toilet.After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet.After returning home from work, spo