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What are the methods to prevent pneumonia?

The prevention techniques for pneumonia includes opting for the Prevnar vaccination or the Pneumovax vaccination, and adopting certain healthy habits to prevent pneumonia.

What are some of the common symptoms of colitis?

The symptoms of ulcerative colitis usually come and go. You may have periods without any symptoms, known as remission, and periods when you have symptoms, known as flare-ups. One may feel perfectly well between flare-ups, when you have no symptoms at all. During a flare-up, the main symptom of ulcerative colitis is frequent diarrhea, which may b

What are the different risk factors that give rise...?

There are certain risk factors that increase the individual's chances of contracting pneumonia; 1. Having a weakened immune system 2. Being hospitalized or being on a ventilator 3. Having a chronic condition including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, structural lung disease and heart disease.