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How to create a TrueCoach account as a Coach?

By clicking the client tab and selecting add client, the coach can enter his or her information and select dual client. Make sure to program some workouts, nutrition plans, daily planners or metrics to record for the new client.

What are the benefits of using the TrueCoach app?

The Benefits are as follows:Coaches can easily program custom workouts and rest days for their clientsClients can see their workout schedule, and coaches can track completed and missed workoutsDemo video library to demonstrate proper form, or upload a custom demo videoClients can message coaches, and leave their own custom photos and videos for ana

How does the TrueCoach app work?

TrueCoach allows the coach to track client progress to help them to make tweaks to their program when needed: Nutrition Tracking , this is done along with building programs, the coach can assign high-level macros goals and measure client progress on an individual basis over time.Team Accounts.Theming.Payment System.