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Can you unblock arteries with exercise?

Physical activity has many health benefits, but lack of exercise does not clog arteries, and exercise does not unclog them.  The high cholesterol comfort foods that we tend to eat under stress will clog arteries but not stress itself. If your arteries are already clogged stress can make a bad situation worse.

How long does it take to clean your arteries with ...?

Mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar with one clove of garlic (minced), until well blended. Drink before breakfast in the morning and chase it with a glass of water. Repeat for one whole week. Blend three carrots and two apples.

What food to eat to unclog arteries?

1.Avocados 2.Whole grains 3.Olive oil 4.Nuts 5.Foods Fortified by Plant Sterols. 6.Salmon (or Other Fatty Fish.  7.Asparagus. 8.Pomegranate.