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What are height options available for gaiters?

Here are the three primary options for gaiter heights: 1. Over-the-ankle: These low gaiters are primarily designed for trail-running or summertime hiking where the goal is to keep pebbles and other trail debris out of your shoes and boots. 2. Mid-calf: These gaiters are usually about 8-to-12-inches tall. These are best for less-than-extreme conditi

Are there any sizing tips for running gaiters?

When trying on running gaiters, look closely at how they are designed to attach to your shoes. Some have hook-and-loop patches that connect to your shoes at the heels (provided your shoes also have hook-and-loop patches on them). Others have instep straps like hiking/mountaineering gaiters. When you put them on, pay attention to how the gaiters fee

What are features of mountaineering gaiters?

Gaiters for mountaineering provide heavy-duty protection and some added insulation for extended trips in harsh conditions. Most feature a waterproof, breathable fabric for protection against rain and snow. In addition to mountaineering, these gaiters are frequently used for ice climbing, backcountry skiing, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing.