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What are baby toys made out of?

Three chemicals prompt the most concern: lead, phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA). Lead, a metal widely known for its use in house paints, is primarily found in paint on foreign-manufactured toys and in toys made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Can I use my current gamertag on Xbox One and will...?

Yes. Your current Xbox Live Gamertag will stay with you on Xbox One if you choose to keep it, and your hard-earned Gamerscore and Achievements will indeed carry over from Xbox 360.

What will toys teach my child?

1) Help Kids Find a Way To Tell the Truth. The best way to encourage truthfulness in your child is to be a truthful person yourself. 2) Encourage Them To Take on a Challenge. 3)Teach Them To Think about Others' Feelings. 4)Be Generous with Your Affection.