Common types of exterior doors worth knowing about

Exterior doors set the image of the house. A well-functioning entry door not only looks beautiful but is also crucial to your home’s overall appeal, security, and energy efficiency. There are three categories of exterior doors namely, entry door, patio door or storm door.

Entry doors are made of different materials like wood, fiberglass, and steel. The doors can be customized with hardware and decorative glass.

  • Wood doors: They are strong, offer great security, and provide a great finish to the exterior of the home. However, they are expensive not only in the terms of the initial cost but also in terms of maintenance that they require.
  • Fiberglass doors: Unlike wood, fiberglass does not rot or expand and are highly durable. Plus they come in a variety of finishes including wood grain. They come with foam insulation, which makes them energy efficient as well.
  • Steel doors: They offer maximum security, strength, and are energy efficient as well. They come with foam insulation and can withstand extreme weather and stress. They are available in variety of colors and finishes including the wood grain.

Exterior doors in the form of patio doors offer easy access to your patio along with offering a great view. They are of two kinds – sliding and French.

  • Sliding doors: It operates much like a sliding window on a set of rollers offering light and ventilation. These doors come in materials like wood, aluminum, and vinyl. They are made secure by placing security bars at the bottom or reinforcing the glass.
  • French doors: They add an elegant look to the exterior. They can be customized like the opening from right or left and from inward or outward.

Storm doors are a protective blanket to the existing exterior doors of the house. They are available in steel, vinyl, or aluminum frames.

  • Steel doors: They are very strong, and won’t crack, warp or rot. They are the heaviest and most expensive.
  • Vinyl doors: Though great for energy efficiency, they do not provide much protection against the elements of weather.
  • Aluminum doors: Light yet durable, they are a great alternative.
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