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A washer dryer combo is a good idea if you need to save space. It will take up a lot less room than a separate washing machine and clothes dryer. Washer dryer combos also share all the advantages of front load washing machines, in that they're water and energy efficient, and they deliver excellent wash results.
The right dimensions. Most people buy a washer-dryer combo or a laundry center because it fits their available space.Sufficient capacity. Capacities do vary at least a little, however, so if you have a larger family or that's otherwise a concern, you will be most likely be happiest with the largest capacity machine that will fit your space.Spe
While cheaper models are always tempting, our tests show it's worth stretching your budget for a top-quality model that you can rely on to consistently wash, rinse and dry well. This may sound like a lot, but keep in mind you are getting two machines in one and that you don’t want to buy a washer-dryer that is unreliable, costs a fortune