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5001 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 212,Los Angeles,CA



9465 Wilshire Blvd Suite 450,Beverly Hills,CA



4201 Torrance Boulevard Suite 460,Torrance,CA


Benefits of using an electric toothbrush like Oral B
Benefits of using an electric toothbrush like Oral B Not looking after your teeth and gums will not only lead to tooth decay and gum disease, it can also lead to major problems when it comes to your digestion and stomach condition in general.
When should you visit an ENT specialist?
When should you visit an ENT specialist? An Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist is one who is a medical officer and specializes in treating the condition of ENT infections. Also known as an otolaryngologist, the ENT specialist may be able to treat conditions that are related to the neck and head too.There are several reasons that cause disorders with a patient's ear, nose, and throat. The ca
Guard against these common ENT infections
Guard against these common ENT infections Meniere's disease (ears)- The Meniere's disease affects the inner ear. The infection occurs in one ear but there are instances when both the ears are affected. You experience vertigo or dizziness and loss of hearing.
What does an ENT specialist do
What does an ENT specialist do Most common throat problems are chronic sore esophagus, swallowing disorders, voice disorders, tonsillitis, larynx disease, and gastroesophageal reflux disease.Head and neck The head and neck constitute one of the most crucial nerves that are directly linked to the ear, nose, and throat.
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In general, oral cavity carcinoma tends to spread primarily to the lymph nodes of the neck first before it spreads or metastasizes to other areas. The lung is a likely second level of metastasis. Spread to lymph nodes is called locoregional metastasis and spread to the lung or other organs called distant metastasis.
It is very rare for oral thrush infections to cause severe adverse reactions although it is worth mentioning that severe infections that are uncontrolled may possibly place other parts of the body at risk due to spread of infection through the touch or cardiovascular system. Examples of increased secondary infection sites are the eyes, esophagus, h
Thrush is a fairly common infection of the mouth due to a yeast infection. Typically the infection lasts for about two weeks and appears as a white velvety patch or sometimes red, raw skin.