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800 Wilshire Blvd Ste 820,Los Angeles,CA



2233 Huntington Dr Ste 2,Pasadena,CA



13432 Washington Blvd,Marina Del Rey,CA



100 S Sepulveda Blvd,Manhattan Beach,CA


Types of distance learning programs
Types of distance learning programs But not all distance learning programs offer you with complete autonomy, it largely depends on what kind of course you enroll for.
Things to know about GED
Things to know about GED GED or General Educational Development is a testing service which is a joint venture of North American council with Pearson being the sole developer. It includes tests on a group of four subjects. When cleared, GED provides certification that the test taker has high school-level academic skills of North American or Canadian standards.Although the a
Various options to study GED online.
Various options to study GED online. Several lawsuits have been filed against people and organizations for operating websites that fraudulently offered GED test credentials. The federal judge granted orders to shut down these websites and that all Internet domains utilized in this scheme be transferred to GED Testing Services. An injunction was imposed allowing swift action to be take
5 steps to choose the best online degree program
5 steps to choose the best online degree program This is the reason why you can find plenty of virtual learning options to choose from. However, you must ensure that you pick a perfect course that validates your academic goals and expectations.
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