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1960 Santa Fe Ave,Long Beach,CA



9545 Reseda Blvd Ste 13,Northridge,CA



3347 Motor Ave,Los Angeles,CA



8540 Venice Blvd,Los Angeles,CA


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Archaeology is an interdisciplinary science, and much of it ? from establishing the ages of artefacts to mapping a site before excavating it ? makes use of physics. The ages of things of interest to archaeologists ? including royal bones ? can be estimated from the proportion of carbon-14 they contains. The radioactive isotope of carbon exists natu
The box should say if they are dimmable. Usually if they are dimmable, the instructions might say something like dimmable with standard dimmers. If they are dimmable and you use a regular dimmer they will dim but a standard dimmer will not give you 100% dimming and might go bright to off in half a turn or slide.
There is large variety of track heads to add to your decor and you can point the lights where you want them.You can add more lights or track extensions.You can point the lights where you want then and buy tight (down to 15 degrees) beam angle bulbs and have light in specific places, or wide angle bulbs for larger area light