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13163 Fountain Park Drive Suite A,Playa Vista,CA



13163 Fountain Park Drive Suite A,Playa Vista,CA



4820 Lincoln Boulevard,Marina del Rey,CA



2100 Blanche Road,Manhattan Beach,CA


7 silent warning signs of thyroid cancer
7 silent warning signs of thyroid cancer The expert may recommend a tailored treatment plan if cancer growth is detected during diagnosis.Some treatment options are available for thyroid cancer. One of them is radioactive iodine (RAI) therapy for treating an overactive thyroid and certain stages of thyroid cancer.
Application of oxygen therapy
Application of oxygen therapy Oxygen therapy for chronic COPD is resorted to after normal medical treatments for COPD have ceased to benefit the patient. There are different ways to introduce the oxygen.
4 common therapies used by pain management doctors
4 common therapies used by pain management doctors lt;em>Physical therapy is also one of the first-line of treatments used for pain management. A continuous application of this therapy not only helps to provide relief from pain but also prevent recurrence of pain.
Five different treatment options for meniscus tear
Five different treatment options for meniscus tear There are a number of alternatives when it comes to meniscus tear treatment:Therapies: Therapies for meniscus tear treatment are divided into two types mainly, physical therapy and stretching exercises.
Ice Horse Pro Therapy Laminitis Boot - L - Pair - Smartpak
Ice Horse Pro Therapy Laminitis Boot - L - Pair - Smartpak The Laminitis Boot by Ice Horse with Cold Capsule™ technology is just the prescription for horses requiring continuous cooling during the treatment of laminitis. The boot provides cold therapy from the fetlock and pastern to the tip of the toe for... $359.95
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Hip Pain Relief. If your hip pain is caused by a muscle or tendon strain, osteoarthritis, or tendinitis, you can usually relieve it with an over-the-counter pain medication such as Tylenol or a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug such as Motrin or Aleve.
Hip osteoarthritis, a breakdown of cartilage in the hip joint, can often cause symptoms of back, hip, and leg pain. Often, patients with arthritis in the back will also have it in other joints, and it can be difficult to distinguish which area may in fact be the cause of the patient's pain.
Sometimes people feel a catching or clicking within the hip. The pain usually gets worse when the hip joint is strained by walking long distances, standing for a long time or climbing stairs. The pain is usually felt in the groin, but also may be felt on the side of the hip, the buttock and sometimes into the knee.